The best part of the season for me right now is that chance I get to talk to Hudson. Elder Gunther called Christmas Eve during the day. My rule is that he has to talk to his family first and then whatever time he has left he can use to talk to me. By the time he called me, it was like 3 in the morning - his time. I felt bad because he sounded pretty tired, but I guess he loves me or something because he was willing to stay up and talk. I love him so much and it was so good to talk to him. Can't believe only 6 more months!!!
As you can tell from Jon's face here, we had an AWESOME christmas. It was just a little group. And we told Santa to come early because we left early Christmas morning for Florida. So, we did all of our Christmas opening on Christmas Eve. My big present this year was a Hope Chest. I was dumb and forgot to take a picture of it, but it is GORGEOUS. It's black and a little antiqued. It's got tons of storage room and even a few secret compartments :) Then I got a few other things.... definately more than I even expected.
I made out like a Bandit!!! SO much good stuff there!
Let's just say that Edward fills part of the Hudson-void I'm feeling right now. This is a GREAT soundtrack for anyone who hasn't gotten it yet.
Jon finished his Eagle Project before we went to Florida so he got to get a new cell phone. He pushed so hard to get it done because he needed a way to stay in touch with Lindsay (his girlfriend) while we were gone. He was absolutely glued to in.... and he still is.
He did find a little time to to put his phone away and entertain us. He and Lucian make quite a pair.... Oh my little brother just makes me laugh.
Amy and Sam.... Oh I love them. Don't tell anyone, but I helped Santa put up and play with her lifesize barbie playhouse. I WANT ONE NEXT YEAR!!!

What a wonderful Christmas! I love you Bethie!