It all began with my grandmother. My mom's mom and the only real Grandma that I've ever known has been such a hero to me and she probably doesn't even know. You see, when my grandma met my grandpa, he was not a member of the LDS church. She had strong values and knew that even though she loved him, he could not take her to the temple which is where she knew she needed to be married. She challenged him to take the discussions and sure enough he found it to be true. It's because of her faith that my mom was born into the gospel, thus enabling me to have the gospel in my life.
My daddy has helped me in so many ways. I'm so grateful for the honorable mission he served and the wonderful man he's become. I know that he is my daddy for a reason. After all, if it weren't for him, i wouldn't have found my love for writing and journalism. He's always provided for me and my family and works harder than anyone I know. He loves the Lord and is not afraid to show me that. I love that anytime I want I can go sit on his lap and cry and he'll just hold me til I'm better. Daddy, thank you for always being there for me and thank you for always showing me and Amy and Joe and Jon and Andrea how much you love and respect our mom. I love the way you look at her and how cute you are to her. Because of you, i know what kind of man I want to marry.
This dedication is to all my siblings. We've laughed and cried together. We've eaten and sang together. As one of the last children, I've had you to look up to and to learn from. Amy, thank you for always taking me under your wing. Thanks for being a good big sister without playing the "I'm 12 years older than you" card. Joe, thanks for keeping me humble - and i mean that in a good way. You've always been one to answer my questions, no matter how juvenille, and explain things to me. Your love of learning has worn off on me. Also, i wanted you and jen to know that I am so grateful for the example of hard work and trust in the Lord that you have set for all of us. Truly you have shown that "with God, nothing is impossible." Next is Andrea. Oh how I love your innocence. As the last of my older siblings to be in the house, I'm grateful for the different connection we have.
I loved it when i could wear your clothes (even though you probably didn't enjoy it). Thanks for sharing and for loving me unconditionally. Lastly Jon... oh man... what to say. I know before i left for school we didn't get along that well. I'm sorry for those times that we lost, but I can't tell you how grateful I am that things are so much better now that I'm back. I love to just be entertained by you. You make me laugh so much. Thanks for singing and dancing and annoying mom and dad with me. You all are the best!
Like any girl, where would she be without her girlfriends? Unfortunately, I've lost contact with several from high school, but i still love them all. They got me through high school. Through puberty and first kiss, choir tour romances and stressful ACTs, my girls have been there for all of it. They make smile and give me hope. With half of them married, it's so cool to see us all becoming adults. I learn new things from them every day and love to see who they are becoming. GIRLS: you have helped me in more ways than you know and I'll love you til the end!
And where would I possibly be without Hudson? I don't know that he'll be able to see this, but I want you all to know how deep the love is I have for him. With Hud and I, it's not just some immature little high school relationship anymore. It's deep.... it's real... it's eternal. We've been through a lot together. We've had ups and downs, but the most important thing is that we've always come out closer than before. If any of you have had to get to know someone through only letters, you'll know what i mean when I say that Hudson and I know eachother completely. Ya, we were basically inseperable in high school, but i know him so much better now. With only 9 months left, I'm completely and utterly ecstatic to be waiting for such an amazing guy. Every day I ask myself how i got so lucky. I truly am blessed. Hudson, i love you!
Now don't worry everybody. I haven't forgotten the most important person... my mom. See, i get emotional just thinking about my mom. She has been my best friend for my whole life. I can tell her anything and she gives the best advice. Part of the reason I moved back home is because I didn't like not being able to talk to her as much. She loves everyone and is willing to serve in whatever way she can. She's been to every basketball game, every doctor's appointment, every choir concert, and every SEOP. She's our #1 supporter and not afraid to stand up for her children. I love her so much. Mom, your testimony is so strong and true. I know that you love your children more than life itself and you're so good at showing it. Thank you for showing me and teaching me how to be a great mother, wife, and member of the church. You are my hero and I'm so grateful to have you.
Ok, well now that I've poured my heart out, i just want to thank all of you that I might not have specifially mentioned. You all have blessed my life and helped me to be who I am now. So, Thank You! Now, go eat a peice of chocolate or something because I sure am going to.